As part of my research journey I develop and maintain a series of software packages. Here you can find a selection of them, but you can always consult my GitHub profile to discover the full list.


ShExML is a language based on ShEx to map and merge heterogeneous data sources. It is designed with usability in mind trying to make the script creation easier to the users.

Scala Knowledge Graph Construction Declarative Mapping Rules

DMAOG is a library that automatically generates code to access data from a provided RDF data set or a set of mapping rules, abstracting this concern away from developers.

Scala Code generation Scaffolding

Resources used for the data integration tasks performed during the EHRI-3 project and instructions to apply them. It contains more than 20 cases.

XSLT XML Data integration Cultural Heritage

This project allows to download all the data from the EHRI Portal and transform it to Linked Open Data following the Records in Context Ontology (RiC-O).

ShExML Python Shell RiC-O Data mapping

XMLSchema2ShEx is a tool to convert XML Schema files to "equivalent" Shape Expressions files. The goal is to support the translation from XML data to RDF, preserving the validation rules.

Scala Data validation Schema transformation

Generation of CodeMeta files from intrinsic and extrinsic metadata providers based on an open-ended and reusable workflow using ShExML mapping rules.

ShExML Groovy Shell CodeMeta Research Software Metadata