Talks & Dissemination
"If this Portal could talk..."| EHRI's Veerle and Herminio Talk About Data Identification and Integration
EHRI project website, 3rd July 2023
The EHRI Portal and the EHRI (Mobile) Data Integration Lab. What Can They Do for You and Your Institution?
Open Access – Ja, aber!? Digitaler Zugang zu Gedenkstätten und Gedächtnisinstitutionen, Workshop of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation and the Foundation Brandenburg memorials, Hybrid (Oranienburg and Online), 27 and 28 October 2022
What can I do with this messy spreadsheet? Converting from Excel sheets to fully compliant EAD-XML files
EHRI Document Blog
The EHRI (Mobile) Data Integration Lab: what it is, what it solves and which the challenges are
Sustainable Publishing of Metadata – DARIAH Working Group Open Meetings 2021